Burundi: From the Frodebu was born the Cnddfdd to complete the genocide of the Tutsis begun in 1993.

Burundi: From the Frodebu was born the Cnddfdd to complete the genocide of the Tutsis begun in 1993.
We will never stop repeating it; will understand who wants to understand. The leaders of the cnddfdd who are in power today will finally complete the genocide of the Tutsis and Hutu opposition which began in 1993 after the assassination of the late President Melchior Ndadaye.
Indeed, this ideology of extermination of the Tutsis, learned in Rwanda with the famous revolution of 1959 was deeply rooted in the minds of the Burundian Hutu by the Palipehutu at first, a copy and paste of the Palimehutu of Rwanda. Second, it was taught by frodebu with the advent of democracy; a notion misunderstood by Burundians like most other peoples of Africa.
The Frodebu, with its leaders who were in the school of former Rwandan President Juvénal Havyarimana, took advantage of this excessive democratization to regain power for a long time in the hands of a Tutsi ethnic minority, they said, relying not on the struggle of ideas and projects, but on the ethnic digital majority. With the one-man-one-vote electoral system, Frodebu’s leaders were convinced that by pulling the ethnic rope, they would have to win the 1993 elections at all costs. Thus they went door to door teaching the Hutu not only that they must elect all together the leader of Frodebu , but also that it will be necessary to prepare, after the victory, to eliminate all Tutsis and Hutu upronists who refuse to join the frodebu, in order to recover all their property (properties and cows). For this reason, a peasant from Kayanza innocently asked Sylvestre Ntibantunganya visiting the province a few weeks after the elections: ‘vya bindi biroba canke ntibiroba’ (he asked whether the plan to exterminate the Tutsis will take place or not).
The Hutu were convinced that the military leaders and some Leaders of uprona would not easily digest the victory of the Frodebu; especially since they had in mind the plan to lead alone without sharing (as the cnddfdd does today); and that they will try to overthrow the elected institutions, a good pretext to eliminate all the Tutsis who are on all the hills of the country. That is why they stopped strategies in time to succeed in this genocide. New machetes, ropes, chainsaws, gasoline were purchased and distributed to the Hutu population. And what is very important, the whole administration, from the top to the base was occupied by the members of the Frodebu. It was this administration that was the basis of all planning and execution of the genocide of the Tutsis and Hutu who kept Rwagasore’s ideology. Some even kicked off the Hutu population to kill the Tutsis without fear.
Today, we offer you an example of a great leader in the ruling cnddfdd who was in this Frodebu administration in 1993. This is Joseph Ntakirutimana, long deputy secretary general of the cnddfdd. He was governor of Ngozi province. He is said to have hundreds of Ngozi Tutsis on his hands. Although he would not have done as some who set an example for Hutu peasants by executing people with his own hands, he is primarily responsible for these massacres. He probably remembers that, according to the testimonies of the survivors, the administration was very active in inciting the genocide of the Tutsis. The governor himself has forbidden not removing the tree trunks put in the road to obstruct the Kabuye-Nyakibingo section.
He worked closely with the director of the Ngozi paramedic school (who distributed ropes using a school van), Mr. Ntungumburane Adelin , director of the D.P.A.E Ngozi (who ordered the felling of trees to obstruct roads); Mr. Séverin Sinizeye, nicknamed Moteri, a teacher at Burengo High School (who participated in the obstruction of the roads and gave the order to tie up in person Mr. Déo , deputy head of the Cagura coffee factory); Mr Constantine, a professor at the Mureke Seminary (who also ordered the obstruction of the lines of communication). The list is long. In Ruhororo commune, for example, the great instigators were Mr. Bihorubusa liberat , communal administrator, who, as of October 21, 1993 before noon, travelled all the hills to order to tie up all the great urponists and take them to nearby centres to be mutilated and killed. He was the one who gave the order to kill them, after tying them up. As soon as the bad news of Ndadaye’s death fell, he distributed the ropes to the district leaders, he gave the order to kill all those likely to testify to the unfolding of events, he orchestrated the death of Messrs. Marc Madadari, Joachim Gahungu, both teachers and Mr. Gihimbare Pierre. This can be testified by Mr. Nkunzimana Claude who is paralyzed as a result of the tie-up and Mr. Nzohabonimana Benoit, Upronist Hutu tied up and then released after paying a sum of 1500 frs Bu (these testimonies are delivered without any modification).
Without specifying the role played by each chef, please note the names of Birasesema Pascal , Mutobo-Nyamugari area manager; Ngorwa Leopold , Area Manager Bucamihigo; Frédéric from Mutobo , carpenter; And….
We have a long list of all those who planned, executed this genocide in all the municipalities of the province as well as the names of all the victims, hill by hill, for which Mr. Joseph Ntakirutimana is primarily responsible. He does now what he wants in Burundi with total impunity. Evariste Ndayishimiye did not hesitate to give him a symbolic franc as a sign of reward for everything he did, from the time of the Frodebu to the reign of the cnddfdd; especially as it was during the celebration of the day of the cnddfdd fighter.
We must understand here that the unfinished project of the Hutu extremists of the Palipehutu, Frodebu is being completed within the cnddfdd, because the actors are the same. Those who executed thousands of Tutsis and Hutus of the uprona in 1993 took up arms in 1994 supposedly to defend democracy and continued to perpetrate genocide until they are in power today; and they do so with the means of the State
URN HITAMWONEZA will never stop shouting that all these criminals who hide within the power can be excluded from it, that they be brought to justice instead to answer for their actions. Since they are protected by power, Burundians must join forces to drive out this handful of men and women who have blood on their hands and install leaders with clean hands who will care about the gathering of all Burundians, in their differences, and work on the development of the country. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
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