Burundi: What interest would the ruling military clique make too much fuss about the case of the alleged perpetrators of the failed 2015 putsch who could be in Rwanda?

Burundi: What interest would the ruling military clique make too much fuss about the case of the alleged perpetrators of the failed 2015 putsch who could be in Rwanda?
In recent days, there has been a campaign of intoxication by the services of the presidency of Evariste Ndayishimiye on the imminent handover to the Burundian government of alleged putschists who are believed to be in Rwanda.
It all started with the resumption of dialogue between different departments of the two governments. On the initiative of the Expanded Joint Verification Mechanism (EJVM), an organ of the CIRGL (International Conference on Security and Development of the Great Lakes Region), it was held at the Rwando-Burundi border of Gasenyi-Nemba , a meeting of the heads of the military intelligence services of Rwanda and Burundi. Col Ernest Musaba represented Burundi and Rwanda was represented by Gen Vincent Nyakarundi, while Col Léon Mahoungou was as organizer of the meeting, if not the mediator. The two delegations discussed security issues on the common border and how to exchange security information to deal with them.
On 5 October 2020, 19 Red Tabara fighters who had been arrested by the Rwandan Army in Nyungwe Forest were handed over to the MCVE/CIRGL. They had attacked two households in the Rwimbogo sub-hillside, Tondero Hill in Kabarore commune in Kayanza province, on 25 September 2020. Pursued by the Burundian army, they allegedly got lost in the forest and ended up in the Rwandan part, says Egide Nkurunziza, who commanded the men. The Burundian side continued to insist that the rebels attacked Burundi from Rwanda and retreated to Rwanda after the attack. However, the public is well aware that these Red Tabara rebels had begun their operations in several provinces of the country since 23 August 2020. And they claimed responsibility for these various attacks. In other words, the idea that they had their base in Rwanda did not hold up.
On 20 October 2020, on the initiative of the Burundian side (said on), Albert Shingiro and Vincent Biruta, respectively heads of Burundian and Rwandan diplomacy, met on the same Gasenyi-Nemba border and exchanged relations between the two countries.
From 28 to 29 October 2020, Col Claver Nzisabira, permanent secretary of Burundi’s National Security Council, visited Cibitoke province, in the municipalities bordering Rwanda, where he met with the various representatives of the people to announce that with the beginning of November, the borders between the two countries will be reopened, which must then be strengthened security. It was from there that he came up with the idea that Rwanda had agreed to hand over to Burundi the alleged putschists who would be on its territory for trial by the Burundian justice system.
President Ndayishimiye, who was participating in the video conference of the heads of state of the IGLS on 20 November 2020, did not fail to indirectly accuse Rwanda, without naming him, of harbouring the alleged perpetrators of the failed coup of May 2015 and demanding that they be extradited to Burundi. According to the communications services of Evariste Ndayishimiye, the same question came back to the table during his meeting with Huang Xia, Antonio Guterres’s special envoy to the Great Lakes region. NEVA’s communication makes it clear to the public that Huang Xia carried two UNGS’s messages, namely the closure and liquidation of the special envoy’s office for Burundi and the extradition of the alleged putschists who are on Rwandan territory. Mr Huang reportedly informed President Ndayishimiye that “Rwanda has a strong will to hand over the alleged putschists to the Burundian authorities, but that it should be done through a mechanism or a mediator country.”
The media hype made by Gitega’s power on this issue elicits a lot of analysis and commentary. This power even manages to show that the only point of contention between Rwanda and Burundi is that this neighbouring country is home to alleged putschists of May 2015 who should be extradited to be tried by the Burundian justice system. As if they were sent tomorrow, all the problems between the two countries would be automatically resolved. What dishonesty! To understand Gitega’s power play, people should have the reflex to ask why Rwanda remains silent about these Gitega noises. Does Kigali has nothing to claim or demand? Why don’t the Rwandan authorities make such media hype?
Perhaps it is because they are educated and they know that they are in the real world. The military clique in power in Burundi is multiplying the cries and writings in the opinion to make people believe that they are Saints, that they have nothing to reproach themselves and that it is only Rwanda that is the basis of the bad relations between the two countries that persist since 2015. Is that why people will forget that the genocidals of the FLN/CNRD, the FDRL who attack certain localities in Rwanda, come from the DRC, and enter Burundi to settle in the Kibira in view and even with the support of the national defence forces of Burundi? The rebels captured in the 27 June 2020 attack in southern Rwanda came from Burundi and retreated to that territory. The cans they had as supplies were marked with ‘’burundi’s National Defence Forces; Not to sell; Country of origin: China; Three-year warranty”.
Moreover, it is well known that FDRL genocidals are welcome in Burundi, that fighters circulate there as they do at home, that they even receive the necessary logistics in army stockpiles, that some of them have even been integrated into the defence and security forces and within the imbonerakure militia, that the political authorities receive diplomatic passports there. Together with the military clique in power in Burundi, they trade in minerals from eastern Congo. Together with Tanzania, they sell these minerals, buy weapons that are delivered to the FDRL through both governments.
Moreover, for those who do not yet know, many Burundian Hutu who were in Rwanda in 1994 actively participated in the genocide of the Rwandan Tutsis. They are known, they are taking it easy in Burundi, they do not worry.
Let’s say that all are guilty: Who between the alleged putschists (they are presumed; they missed, they didn’t kill anyone) and the genocidals (they are known and they killed people) should be extradited first? And this Burundian justice we sing about, why it did not judge those who killed hundreds of peaceful protesters with live ammunition, why it did not judge the API police and BSPI (presidential guards) who killed hundreds of Tutsi abducted from their homes in Nyakabiga, Ngagara, Musaga, Jabe on 12 May 2015 after the attack on the military camps in the capital.
URN HITAMWONEZA believes that the media hype made by the military clique around this issue is a way to hide the crimes of genocide of which it is guilty and to seek scapegoats for the execution of the regional genocide which it is in the process of finalizing the preparations for. We are looking for even more details about a probable cnddfdd-fdrl rebellion that was preparing to attack Burundi from Tanzania as the trigger for this genocide. WhatsApp contact: +31685638237
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