Burundi: The military clique is doing everything it can to remobilize its troops at a time when internal divisions are gnawing at the cnddfdd (4th part).

Burundi: The military clique is doing everything it can to remobilize its troops at a time when internal divisions are gnawing at the cnddfdd (4th part).
You never hide the smoke when there is fire; President Evariste Ndayishimiye confirmed that there is really the worm in the fruit as we had written in our previous editions. It’s finally the time for rot in his launch speech of the week dedicated to the fighter; he revealed secrets that the common public did not know. Two excerpts caught our attention:
Evariste Ndayishimiye’s first famous quote: “Even if all the leaders betrayed the party, the cnddfdd would continue to function normally because the party is the members”‘ Who would believe it when you know that there is no troop without a commander, as there is no commander without a troop? What is this organization in the world that has no leaders and works? Evariste Ndayishimiye himself knows very well that it does not exist. But for those who follow Burundi’s political life, and especially what is being done within the ruling party, the message is clear. Unnamed divisions are eating away at the leadership of the cnddfdd, the country’s leadership.
As we have already written in our previous editions, the team of Evariste Ndayishimiye is the weak link of the groups that formed at the head of the leadership of the cnddfdd. He relies only on the support of General Prime Niyongabo, of whom he is a marriage sponsor. He knows that he was imposed by the military clique, he knows that it was she who supported him by cheating in the open elections of May 2020, he knows that he is the head of state thanks to them, and he knows that he cannot do anything without their agreement. One example is the refusal to declare the assets of leaders before taking office in accordance with the constitution.
The strongest team is that of Marshal Allain Guillaume Bunyoni and his running boy (during all the years during which the police were under Bunyoni control), the super minister General Gervais Ndirakobuca, aka Ndakugarika. Bunyoni has a lot of money and has a lot of businessmen behind him. He knows that it was not Evariste Ndayishimiye who chose him out of love as prime minister; he knows that he was imposed. He considers himself a richer and smarter man than him; replacing him one day is not far from his dreams.
Another team, the most unfortunate today, but which has even more influence on the base (even if Evariste does not want to believe it), is the one that was behind the late President Pierre Nkurunziza. Evariste Ndayishimiye knows well that Pierre Nkurunziza did not want him to be president. He had chosen Pascal Nyabenda and the latter was rejected by the military clique. With all the honours he had, Pierre Nkurunziza was going to be a great obstacle to Neva’s new rule. Would he have removed the obstacle himself? It is not yet known, but Nkurunziza’s death has always caused controversy. On top of that, not all the men around the late president are seen in a good light by the entourage of Evariste Ndayishimiye: no representation among the people, some posts here and there for visible targets (like Pascal Nyabenda and others), but which will not last for much time. These are frustrations that are multiplying within the cnddfdd box.
That’s why Evariste Ndayishimiye preferred to place this phrase at the launch of The Fighter’s Week activities. He knows that nothing goes to the head of the cnddfdd, and the country in general, that he is sitting in an ejector chair even though he says that he was chosen by the people when he was imposed by military force. It is trying to bring together and remobilize the members scattered in all these different groups mentioned above.
Evariste Ndayishimiye’s second idea, which he transmitted with a parable about the panther and a herd of antelope, was to tell anyone who strayed from his group that he would be killed in the face of others without waiting for any help. ”You know, a panther doesn’t dare enter a herd of antelopes to take their prey, it tries to scare the group, and if one of them strays and runs out of fear, the panther pursues it, slits its throat and devours it in the eyes of others without any help.'” Here, President Ndayishimiye is telling the members of the cnddfdd to stick together while intimidating them that whoever deviates from his line will be automatically killed and no one will be able to rescue him.
If Evariste Ndayishimiye and her clique consider them as the panther who slaughters the antelopes one by one without prosecution, he alludes to what they are currently doing in Burundi where the military clique kills whomever it wants and when it wants without any prosecution. Bodies tied up are discovered every day in rivers and lakes, no one dares to lift a finger to ask at least that investigations be made; the administration hastened to bury them without any identification
URNHITAMWONEZA believes it is time for Burundians to wake up to avoid being slaughtered every day like sheep. Whether the cnddfdd is trying to remobilize its militants through the week of the fighter or not, Burundians have already seen the source of their suffering. It is exactly this military clique of the cnddfdd that is now fighting over the wealth of the country they have plundered (arrests and imprisonment will continue), at a time when the people are starving. It is time for the people to stand together in front of this handful of men and crush them so that they can live together by sharing the country’s resources together.

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