Burundi: Death of President Ndadaye followed by genocide of Tutsis planned by members of his Frodebu party (Part 4)

Burundi: Death of President Ndadaye followed by genocide of Tutsis planned by members of his Frodebu party (Part 4)
Our analysis since October 21, 2020, anniversary date of the assassination of the first Hutu president elected by the Hutu people, first mentioned the origin of Melchior Ndadaye’s party. A party whose roots and the inspiration for its ideology come from the Rwanda of Juvénal Havyarimana. And no one is unaware that almost all the members of Frodebu have received basic training within the Palipehutu whose ideology everyone knows which can be summed up in a few words in these terms ” the Tutsis are our enemies and must be exterminated at all costs ”.
Whatever Melchior Ndadaye was, at a certain time in disagreement with Juvénal Havyarimana, on a few points, in particular on the fact that he was not very virulent in the exclusion of Tutsis from his first days in power as he did at home in Rwanda, the ideology taught remained in the minds of the Hutus of Frodebu who had at their side the Hutus more experienced in exclusion, the members of the palipehutu. They had even campaigned for Frodebu.
The genocidal ideology against the Tutsis was therefore taught during the electoral campaign all over the country because the Frodebu members had in mind that Pierre Buyoya, with his army, would win the elections by cheating. The result was that all Tutsis should be systematically executed. The Frodebu Hutus had prepared themselves both morally and materially (purchase of new machetes, gasoline to set fire to the houses, chainsaws to cut down trees and obstruct communication routes to prevent the intervention of the forces of the order). Melchior Ndadaye said it himself when he was in the hands of the enraged soldiers on October 21, 1993: “Don’t hurt me; think about your families left on the hills”. He knew what was planned, the ’June plan’ was going to be implemented; and that’s what was done.
Many analysts believe that even if Ndadaye was not killed by the military, the planned genocide would have to happen sooner or later, or would happen gradually, as the cnddfdd is doing today. While visiting Kayanza, a peasant approached Sylvestre Ntibantunganya (he believed that he was the President of the Republic), long before Ndadaye’s death, to ask him: “ Vya bindi biroba canke ntibiroba? ” (The thing will it be done or not?). You understand that Ntibantungaya was embarrassed because they taught within Frodebu that the Tutsis should be exterminated.
By killing Ndadaye, the pretext came from the right source for the Hutu extremists who had in mind the extermination of the Tutsis. The army was predominantly made up of Tutsis, but there was a good percentage of Hutus at all levels of command. Being a professional army, this ethnic problem did not arise until extremist Hutus like Nyangoma Leonard began to revolt in the midst of meetings with President Buyoya.
The assassination of Ndadaye was therefore a trigger for the implementation of a long-prepared plan. It is not understandable, despite Jean Minani’s call on Rwanda’s radios, that throughout the country, Hutus from Frodebu and Palipehutu take machetes at the same time to kill Tutsi with whom they shared everything. In most cases, it was the members of the administration who kicked things off by chopping up tied Tutsis in front of a gathered Hutu audience to see an example to follow to take care of the rest of the work without fear.
The genocide was therefore consummated; the lists of almost the majority of the victims are available, the names of the majority of the executioners are known; some fled the country, others are still in Burundi and occupy state functions without worry. A UN commission was dispatched to Burundi and made inquiries into these killings which its report S / 1996/682 of August 22, 1996 qualify as genocide of the Tutsis by the Hutus of Frodebu. Reading this report gives you the details, based on testimony, of the course of the coup and the genocide that followed the death of President Ndadaye.
URNHITAMWONEZA also has a large document, written following a large survey made by civil society organizations across the country, and which shows, on the basis of testimonies, the details of the preparation for this genocide , its implementation, the names of the victims, hill by hill and the names of their executioners. The testimonies of the survivors found in the IDP camps describe horror scenes of theirs who were savagely killed, the others burned alive inside the hangars or houses, corpses that were thrown into rivers, pits common areas or toilets. What is still unfortunate is that the genocide did not stop during the month of October 1993. The same criminals subsequently joined the maquis supposedly to defend democracy when the objective was rather to complete the genocide they had not completed. This is how they have continued to hunt and kill survivors in IDP camps since 1995. People remember the attacks on IDPs in Bugendana, Teza, Campazi and elsewhere.
This genocide continues until today when Pierre Claver Ndayicariye and his team are working day and night to try to remove all the evidence of what has happened since 1993 and the years that followed by unearthing all the bodies mass graves in the country suggesting that they are victims of the killings of 1972 that extremist Hutus qualify as “genocide of the Hutus”. The objective of Ndayicariye and his boss Evariste Ndayishimiye is nothing more than to remove the annoying elements, evidence of the genocide for which they are among the most responsible; then show the Hutus that they are honouring the memory of the Hutus killed to arouse their sympathy and try to hide the electoral cheating of which he is accused, and finally revolt all the Hutus so that it is easy for him to trigger the last phase of the genocide of the remaining Tutsis and of the opposition Hutus. The training and arming of imbonerakure militias, the presence of the FDRL interahamwe on Burundian soil and in certain units of the defence and security corps, the appointment of generals in the upper echelons of the State and an administration 100% cnddfdd fit into this plan.
URNHITAMWONEZA has all the evidence, in addition to report S / 1996/682 of August 22, 1996 of the UN commission of inquiry, which shows that the Frodebu prepared and carried out the genocide of the Tutsis in 1993. The regimes followed each other in Burundi did not want to follow up on this file because they accused each other of the faults committed (principle ” you are silent, I am silent ”); which has led to impunity for crimes to this day. Power will change one day and all these criminals will, without exception, be brought to justice and will be punished. This will save Burundi and allow the emergence of leaders with clean hands who will focus on peace, security for all and the development of the country.

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