Burundi: President Evariste Ndayishimiye just opposes the ideology of Prince Louis Rwagasore.

Burundi: President Evariste Ndayishimiye just opposes the ideology of Prince Louis Rwagasore.
It is completely normal and understandable that the power of the cnddfdd and particularly of Evariste Ndayishimiye who surrounded himself with renowned genocidaires, under international sanctions, could not take the Prince’s ideology as a model. It’s just like night and day. Rwagasore only dreamed of the unity of all Burundians, national progress by developing each citizen starting with the most disadvantaged. He knew that for the development of Burundi, we must bring together all the vital forces of the nation, without any distinction; Unity is strength. The cnddfdd power remains convinced that whoever is not a member of the party is to be killed, imprisoned or exiled; he has no place in Burundi, he does not even have the right to life.
We deliver an excerpt from Prince Louis Rwagasore’s speech after the victory of the Uprona in 1961 and we will analyse it, comparing the main principles of the prince to what we have always observed in our country. ” In any competition, was- it politics, there is a winner and a loser, and UPRONA, by your free will, emerged victorious from the legislative elections and will form tomorrow the first autonomous government of Burundi. But the winner and the loser are all Barundi, members of the same national family, and children of the same Mwami. Burundi needs everyone, regardless of the political parties they belong to. That is why, my dear compatriots, today’s electoral victory is not that of a party but the triumph of order, discipline, peace, public tranquillity “.
When Prince Rwagasore says that the winner and the loser are all Barundi, members of the same national family, Evariste Ndayishimiye begins to distinguish the Burundians between the “ Benegihugu ” (those to whom the country belongs = meaning the Hutus ) and abanyagihugu (the people = he left the word to the Tutsis only). Then he separates the members of his cnddfdd party from the rest of the opposition.
For Evariste Ndayishimiye, haunted by the ideology of genocide (he was at the school of the interahamwe, the genocidal militia of Rwandan Tutsis in 1994), the Tutsis should be physically eliminated, if possible, not only in Burundi, but in the whole sub-region; because in Burundi, the political and socio-economic elimination of the Tutsis has been completely consumed. Even those who still claim to be cnddfdd (just for their survival = mpemuke ndamuke), do not know the fate that awaits them. How can a power dare to publicly order its imbonerakure militia to kill anyone with a Rwandan accent (the Banyamulenge are Congolese of Tutsi origin who have a Rwandan accent); simply wanting to mean Tutsis. And they were quick to execute the order given by the authorities, through the mouth of Pierre Nkwirikiye, spokesperson for the great genocidaire Gervais Ndirakobuca alias Ndakugarika on October 8, 2020 in Gitega. In the process, Jean Paul Sibomana was assassinated on the night of October 10 to 11, 2020 by the imbonerakure in Kigoma in the commune of Bugabira, by the simple fact that he speaks Kinyarwanda. He had left Kirundo to visit a friend in that commune. In addition, the Congolese Banyamulenge of Muyinga feels persecuted by the Ndayishimiye power, while the other Congolese “babembe” and “bafurero” are free, as at home. The banyamulenge are threatened by the simple fact that they are of Tutsi origin.
On the political level, the CNL’s members is in the crosshairs of the power Evariste Ndayishimiye because they still claim the electoral victory which was stolen from them by Evariste Ndayishimiye and the cnddfdd system in the elections of May 2020.
A power that is both thief and genocidal can in no way be compared to Prince Louis Rwagasore. It is fire and water. Who is the fire, who is the water? Fire is to destroy, it is Neva, water is life, and it is Rwagasore. Water can extinguish fire in the blink of an eye as the formidable weapon to destroy exclusion, and genocide is the ideology of national unity and harmony.
URN HITAMWONEZA urges all Burundians to make the choice between water and fire, between life and death. Those who believe they have power by force and who use it to destroy the country by dividing the people so they can hold onto that power and line their pockets must know that they will pay dearly for it. The time will come to regret what they have done. To the manipulated population that lets it go, you have to understand that you are heading straight into the lion’s mouth. It’s up to you to pull yourself together if it is not late and get rid of these criminals in order to find leaders like Rwagasore who will lead you to social progress.

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