Burundi: The cnddfdd power succeeded in destroying Cnared; CFOR – Arusha has just escaped a first attempt at destruction.

Burundi: The cnddfdd power succeeded in destroying Cnared; CFOR – Arusha has just escaped a first attempt at destruction.
The cnddfdd power did everything to destroy the opposition’s political platform, CNARED, and it succeeded. Jean Minani has always maneuverer to always be at the head of this organization, not for a political fight against power, but quite simply to stifle in the eye, in complicity with the cnddfdd, any political struggle against the party in power. In secret, Jean Minani negotiated the terms of his return to the country with his team to show the international community that there is no longer any political opposition in exile. It has been said that the point of contention has always been the amount of compensation for his property which was destroyed by the cnddfdd power. It is for this reason that he preferred to send his secretary general Anicet Niyonkuru to the elections of May 2020, not to make the opposition as they made naive members believe, but quite simply to support the cnddfdd. The real face of cnared was laid bare.
CFOR-Arusha was then created, an organization perceived as a real opposition calling for the return to constitutional legality and the restoration of the Arusha agreements, as a way out of the Burundian crisis.
They did not know that within this new organization are hiding cnddfdd envoys who have no other mission than to destroy all political opposition. These brave politicians have also just come out in the open. They are Jérémie Minani and General Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye. We would like to point out to you in passing that Jérémie Minani was kicked out of his RDB party, accused of embezzling the party’s funds, and Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye of Kaze-Fdd, but they kept the carcasses.
Within CFOR-Arusha, Jérémie Minani was spokesperson and General Ndayikengurukiye was the organization’s general secretariat. Both had a 2-year term that ended in September 2021, when the presidency had a one-year term that came to an end.
On October 12, 2020, 12 people gathered to replace the presidency. The two super politicians were asked to keep their posts in accordance with the rules of procedure; but they refused because they wanted to occupy this presidency for a mission known to them and well paid. This is how they boycotted the election as they left the room. The rest had the required quorum and they voted, entrusting the presidency of CFOR Arusha to Mr. Frédéric Bamvuginyumvira. At the same time, the team of Ndayikengurukiye and Jérémie Minani organized themselves to set up another committee, with Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye as president. He thus issued statements on behalf of CFOR Arusha, starting with the dismissal of Frédéric Bamvuginyumvira
The hidden side of the two men has just been revealed. Jérémie Minani has always been a great political opponent, with multiple statements in the media, while behind the scenes and in reality, he played the game of cnddfdd. On August 2, 2020, he gave the government of Gitega a 2-month ultimatum to start negotiations; otherwise he would start an armed struggle against the government. Everyone took him for a madman. He wasn’t, he knew what he was playing. Two months have passed on October 2, 2020. The war he promised the government is on to fight CFOR-Arusha, the only remaining political opposition. But his failure marked the end of his political career and the freezing of funds he regularly received from Gitega’s government.
The warlord, General Jean Bosco Ndayikengurukiye has always been a member of the cnddfdd because he kept his genocidal ideology, even if he had some altercations with them during the maquis. People will never forget the 648 displaced Tutsis (survivors of the 1993 Tutsi genocide) from the Bugendana site murdered in July 1996 and 40 students from the small Buta seminary murdered in April 1997, the Teza survivors killed by the men under his control command and claimed by its spokesperson. General Ndayikengurukiye Jean Bosco therefore sought to position himself at the head of this political opposition for two reasons: to make the public forget all the crimes that he is responsible for, and to accomplish with great ease the mission entrusted to him by the power of Evariste Ndayishimiye; that of destroying foreign political opposition. His failure also marks the end of his political career. For your information, Belgium refused him the right of asylum because it was recognized as being responsible for the genocide of the Tutsis killed by the fdd rebellion. He remains to be expected to answer for the crimes he committed before the ICC.
URN HITAMWONEZA has received information from the new president of CFOR-Arusha that the two have kept with them the CFOR-Arusha logo which they use to disorientate public opinion. Any document of this organization which does not bear its stamp will not be authentic. We warn the Burundians to be careful: the genocidal power of Gitega uses a lot of state means to pay ventriotes who hide among all those who fight for a rule of law to disorient, disorganize and destroy them. Everything must be done to unmask them all and give them the place they deserve.

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