Burundi: The imbonerakure militia of President Evariste Ndayishimiye is preparing for an imminent war.

Burundi: The imbonerakure militia of President Evariste Ndayishimiye is preparing for an imminent war.
The municipality of Kirundo alone requires a total of 160 weapons so that the members of the imbonerakure militia can properly secure the municipality. This is an assessment that was made during one of the regularly organized meetings, either by municipal, provincial and even national level officials. In many cases, it is Syvestre Ndayizeye, the national leader of the imbonerakure militia who himself comes out because the times are dire, they say.
At the time when publicly, the military clique led by Evariste Ndayishimiye, Allain Guillaume Bunyoni and Gervais Ndirakobuca alias Ndakugarika, declares that there are no rebels who have attacked the country, that they are groups of bandits easy to crush. Behind the scenes, fear is eating away at these criminals. The fear of being driven from power and brought before the International Criminal Court or other independent jurisdictions empowered to answer for the crimes they have committed.
Meetings being held across the country have no other purpose than to re-mobilize members of the Imbnerakure militia to face this looming war. They say it in these encounters: “The country has been attacked; the enemy is with us, so you have to do a lot of patrols and searches at all times”. All demobilized or retired cnddfdd ex-combatants must take up arms again to defend the country, they say during these meetings. Those who have no weapons, like other imbonerakure deemed serious, will all be armed as soon as possible.
Our sources of information tell us that the imbonerakure of Bubanza and Gihanga are already equipped with AK47; military training, followed by distribution of weapons are reported in Mabanda in Samvura on October 05, 2020, the same exercise was done for 50 imbonerakure in Makamba on October 10, 2020. The end of September 2020 was marked by trips by imbonerakure chiefs at the national level almost across the country; in particular in Mu Rwanyange in Kirundo on September 25, 2020 (it was Sylvestre Ndayizeye himself who went there), in Gisuru in Ruyigi on September 26, 2020, in Rwegura, Muruta, in Kayanza, on September 30, 2020.
These meetings (in which representatives of the police, the SNR and sometimes the army often participate) reinforce the message of mobilization that the former head of the imbonerakure militia and current minister in charge of the affairs of East African community and youth, Ezechiel Nibigira, transmitted to all imbonrakure on August 29, 2020 during the imbonerakure feast in Kayanza (imbonerakure’s day). He was telling them that they have to get back to work right away. It is a message that contradicted that of Colonel Remy Cishahayo, governor of Kayanza who had formally forbidden them to make patrols, work reserved only for the police. ” The one I will see on the road, I will ‘get into my vehicle and drive him to the dungeon,’ he threatened.
This colonel governor was telling the truth. What is ultimately the role of the military and police, who are paid by the state? What does cnddfdd power seek by attributing the work of law enforcement to a militia? It looks like the militia comes in support, but, unfortunately, we see that the imbonerakure militia finally replaced them on the ground. And when it happens that the two works together, the militia takes the lead, they even manage to give orders to the military. Beware of the one who does not execute them! The only explanation is that the imbonerakure militia is directed within the upper echelons of the party and the state and its information (even false) quickly reaches the decision-makers at the moment when the military is forced to go through many stairs of the military’s hierarchy.
Here, it must then be understood that all the crimes committed by these imbonerakure are ordered at the highest level of the state; otherwise, they would be directly arrested and punished. However, the bodies of people killed by this militia are directly recovered and quickly buried by the administration without waiting for any identification. This proves that these are actions coordinated by power.
URNHITAMWONEZA once again alerts the international community to a large-scale genocide in preparation in Burundi. The interahamwe in Rwanda were preparing in broad daylight, supported by France, in full view of everyone, even representatives of the United Nations; but, nothing was done and the worst happened. Should we wait for the worst in Burundi when we keep crying out for help in Burundi! May people not come and shed crocodile tears tomorrow when nothing has been done to block the way for criminals preparing for the day. To all Burundians who still dream of a country of peace for everyone without exclusion, let us stand up , use all means to say no to these criminals before it is too late. There is always a way, it is enough to overcome fear because our cause to defend is stronger than the violence of the genocidals of Gitega’s power.

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