Burundi: General Marius Ngendabanka heads a technical team in charge of preparing for the final phase of the genocide.


Burundi: General Marius Ngendabanka heads a technical team in charge of preparing for the final phase of the genocide.
Information is becoming more and more precise. Some are beyond the discretion of the members of the cnddfdd killing machine and reach the public. Preparations for the final phase of the genocide of Tutsis and Hutus not won over to the cause of the cnddfdd are going well. The technical team put in place by the ruling military clique to organize the operations of the genocide finale in Burundi is already known. It is piloted by General Marius Ngendabanka, Deputy Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff within the General Staff of the National Defence Force. A native of Ruyigi, he is a boy with the appearance of a very serious man, very discreet but very hypocritical. He has been involved in almost all the shady files of the military clique in power: organization of imbonerakure formations in Kiriba Ondes in the Democratic Republic of Congo, distribution of arms to imbonerakure, kidnapping and assassination of members of the former Burundian armed forces (ex-fab ), kidnapping and murder of major personalities or economic operators.
Its team is mixed: it includes officers from the army, the police and the national intelligence service. At the level of the army, it is General Marius Ngendabanka who coordinates the team, General Sinzumunsi Audace (alias Goliath), General Sibomana Ignace, former head of military intelligence at the General Staff of the Army who has executed, tortured and imprisoned many ex Fab, he is currently Chief of the Logistics Staff. At the police level, we are talking about General Isidore, deputy inspector general of the police, General Bagori and the criminal known to all, OPC1 Désiré Uwamahoro. At the level of the SNR, are part of the team the famous Kazungu, also known throughout the world as a major criminal and a certain Salvator in charge of the SNR in the town hall of Bujumbura.
This technical team regularly reports to Mutama2, Mutama3 and Mutama4. It is the latter who provides the money necessary for the smooth running of operations. Some reports can be sent to Mutama1 or simply remain in the drawers of Mutama2.
For your information, Mutama1 is General Neva (for close friends), outgoing President of the Republic (he replaced Nkurunziza Pierre with that sacred name; and following him is only a matter of days); Mutama2 is the strong man of the regime, Marshal Allain Guillaume Bunyoni, the next future president; Mutama3 is General Gervais Ndirakobuca, aka Ndakugarika, the super minister of interior, public security and community development, while Mutama4 is General Ildephonse Habarurema, the bad man who heads the SNR.
Marius’s team has just finalized the establishment and activation of the famous rebellion which is roaming the country without worry, killing whoever it wants, intimidating the population. After his visit, the police and the SNR arrested young Tutsis, former ex-fab soldiers and members of the CNL, accusing them of collaborating with this rebellion. The destination of these arrested people remains unknown to their families. Yet the government has remained silent on this so-called rebellion, the administration talking about criminals or armed bandits passing through their areas. Yet they kill whoever they want, loot when they want, otherwise they position themselves all over the country, apparently awaiting a later mission.
For example, this rebellion killed yesterday, September 6, 2020 around 11:00 p.m., a certain Bayubahe from Maramvya hill, under Gisagazuba hill, in Burambi commune of Rumonge province. These armed men also allegedly killed a wife and a child of the headmaster of Gisagazuba Basic School, also from the same family as Bayubahe. It is very important to point out that the late Bayubahe was an exemplary imbonerakure in his entourage who refused to mistreat innocent citizens like others do. He was a righteous man, loved by those around him, but the other imbonerakure had a grudge against him. This is information that we received from people in his neighbourhood. Correct men have no place in the realm of cnddfdd. The Bible tells us: ‘’ When the righteous multiply, the people rejoice; when the wicked dominate, the people moan ” (Proverbs 29: 2)
We said it, we will repeat it whenever it is necessary, not all imbonerakure are bad, some are forced to keep pace with the others to save their skin. And it must be remembered, the bad guys are not numerous, but they dominate. This is why the Burundian people are moaning. One of the bad guys is Marius’s team. Today, she makes unnatural arrangements to kill or imprison innocent people. Let the Tutsis and the CNL members are careful. During the week, they prepare weapons to put near your homes; or they will organize searches and search your home to leave weapons in your homes; a compelling reason to kill or arrest you, accusing you of being rebels, of collaborating with them or of illegally possessing weapons of war. This is the new plan. Pay attention, the machine accelerates the work rate
URN HITAMWONEZA is at your disposal to help you receive information on the operations that this team is planning in order to take on your responsibilities on time. The genocide will take place, we will not stop it, but there is a way to minimize the damage. This requires that the righteous (and there are many) to stand up to at least denounce the few wicked who have the means of the state to make part of the population groan. We will continue to alert the public, with verified information, so that those who can take action. But, it may be too late because everything is already in place; there is only the trigger to complete the on-going genocide.

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