Burundi: Assassination of Evariste Ndayishimiye: Trigger of Large-Scale Genocide in Burundi

General Major Neva

Burundi: Assassination of Evariste Ndayishimiye: Trigger of Large-Scale Genocide in Burundi.
Information is starting to get more precise. Sources close to cnddfdd circles further confirm our information yesterday on the organization of a rebellion based on imbonerakure. It is true. These groups which crisscross the whole country without serious prosecution, under the silence of those responsible at the first level, they are imbonerakure that certain circles of the cnddfdd have organized. However, one of their missions that were not mentioned in our article yesterday is that in the end, this organized disorder also targets the head of Evariste Ndayishimiye.
The rebels who are sowing terror throughout the country, from west to east, from north to south, are under the command of a military clique that wants the president to end. The late Nkurunziza is dead, the people have remained calm, no disturbance in the country. The reason is simple: Nkurunziza died of a natural illness if the official government version is to be believed. Heart attack, coronavirus, poisoning, few people know the truth about the death of the Supreme Leader. If it was Ndayishimiye who poisoned him to have more freedom to exercise his power as a certain opinion keeps saying, he will answer for his actions, not by the same methodology, but our source specifies that he will be shot. Hello damage. The military clique that made the planning is said to have predicted that this assassination would take place in a chaos around its security in an ambush that will be set by the same rebellion near a locality scheduled to hold a security meeting. Here is the plan. The date and location are at the discretion of the planners.
We give you some revealing facts. When Evariste Ndayishimiye came to power, the Kayogoro imbonerakure and the administration were brought to justice for crimes committed against Burundians who had come from Tanzania. These people languish until today in Rumonge prison. In the morning of August 23, 2020, soldiers from the Cibitoke centre position stripped the imbonerakure of all military effects, beat them up, thus preventing them from doing their usual paramilitary training. In other parts of the country, the imbonerakure were starting to keep a low profile because they did not have the last word as before. This shocked the majority of this youth who had become first responsible for the security of the country.
As if to raise the situation, it was hastily organized “Imbonerakure day” on August 29, 2020. Minister Ezéchiel Nibigira, in charge of youth, could not be more explicit: “the imbonerakure must be everywhere and from today ”. For him, we can’t find soldiers and police to put in every household, but imbonerakure can easily do this job. He said so in Kayanza province when there was not a week, the governor of this province, Colonel Remy Cishahayo, had, during his first meeting with the security and administrative officials, specified that if he meets an imbonerakure on the route on patrol, he was going to embark him in his vehicle and drive him directly to the dungeon.
This double talk in government shows you how much the pot is heating up. At the head of those who put the wood under the pot are Allain Guillaume Bunyoni and Gervais Ndirakobuca alias Ndakugarika. In the pot is the head of Evariste Ndayishimiye. He who was imposed by a military clique to be a candidate for the presidential election in May 2020 when the late Nkurunziza had proposed Nyabenda Pascal; he who carried out an electoral coup when the elections had been won by Agathon Rwasa when the late President Nkurunziza had said, during the last meeting of the electoral campaign on the grounds of Ets Kamenge, that the one who will cheat the elections will suffer divine retribution.
The assassination of Evariste Ndayishimiye will resemble the death of Juvenal Havyarimana of Rwanda in 1994. The famous imbonerakure rebellion spread across the country will, in collaboration with other Hutu extremists of the cnddfdd, begin to kill all the Tutsis ( even those who believe themselves to be members of cnddfdd) and all political opponents. Only one member who is known with certainty as a true cnddfdd (biyemera) will remain. They will recognize each other by the codes. Whoever does not have this code, even if he thinks he is a member of cnddfdd will be killed.
URN HITAMWONEZA once again sends a cry of alarm to the international community to keep a vigilant eye on Burundi. He is on a slippery slope. Let the Burundian people know, the military clique in power that puts you to sleep with prayers and good words is preparing a genocide; Think again, it is not only the Tutsis and the cnl members who will die, even some cnddfdd members will die. So you must all stand up as one man to refuse that this group of generals manipulate you for their own interests. Only living together in your differences will give you peace and security.

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