Burundi: The circle of the military clique in power is growing with the arrival of Gélase Ndabirabe recognized for his divisionist and incendiary speeches.

August 9, 2020

Burundi: The circle of the military clique in power is growing with the arrival of Gélase Ndabirabe recognized for his divisionist and incendiary speeches.
We said it in our previous edition, Gelase Ndabirabe has just been chosen by the military clique in power to enlarge the circle of soldiers who rule this country with an iron fist. Decidedly, President Ndayishimiye is determined to put the military / combatants at the head of all the major institutions in the country. What war is he preparing for? Gélase Ndabirabe also comes to give his contribution to win or completely fail this war.
Presented as a lonely man, difficult to live with others in society, a frustrated man, Ndabirabe was removed from the command of men during the rebellion and was given more administrative functions. He was however demobilized to the rank of colonel after the rebellion. He remained an influential member of the cnddfdd system for which he was even a spokesperson.
The whole world will recognize this man by his inflammatory speeches, sometimes against the European Union, sometimes against neighbouring Rwanda and its leaders, sometimes against the United Nations.
We offer you some extracts from the speech of the cnddfdd of February 17, 2016, which he himself read as spokesperson for the movement, with many repetitions to emphasize certain passages, which earned him the name of ” Ndasubiramwo ‘ ‘(I repeat) ‘’The CNDD-FDD Party characterizes the various adventures of genocides committed respectively by Michel MICOMBERO as physical genocide, by Jean Baptiste BAGAZA Intellectual genocide and by BUYOYA who made the democratic genocide. During all these hard political moments in the country, some Rwandans welcomed on Burundian soil were always behind, directly or indirectly, the implementation of these satanic plans’’
When this Hutu extremist talks about genocides (he and his cnddfdd system are not skills to qualify such an event of genocide) committed in Burundi and associates Rwandans who were refugees in Burundi, driven out by the Hutu extremists of Rwanda, he points the finger at the Tutsis. He does not dare to speak of the genocide of the Tutsis during the famous social revolution of Kayibanda in Rwanda in 1959, nor does he speak of the genocide of the Tutsis in Burundi in 1993 and the crimes they have committed since they were on power in 2005. He for the same circumstance denied the genocide of the Rwandan Tutsis of 1994, instead placing his responsibility on President Kagame who stopped this genocide planned and executed by extremist Hutus like him from Rwanda, in which also participated Burundian Hutus who were refugees in Rwanda, most of whom are now in Burundi without worrying. Gélase Ndabirabe goes on to say: ” It is therefore not surprising to hear that KAGAME, specialist in genocidal ideas and plans for having tested them at home, wastes no second of negatively influencing for the nth time on the history of Burundi, by recruiting and training Burundian refugees to provoke genocide in their native country. ”
Here is another soldier who heads the National Assembly of Burundi who has joined the group of Ndayishimiye Evariste, Allain Gullaume Bunyoni, the super minister Gervais Ndirakobuca alias Ndakugarika. We are awaiting another at the head of the Senate. People of the same caliber, with the same vision: to exterminate by all means the Tutsis and all the opponents to maintain unchallenged power.
Note for yourselves that the speech of Gélase (cnddfdd by the way) of 2016 is the same as the speech given on August 6, 2020 by Evariste Ndayishimiye in Busoni in Kirundo Province. I quote: “Burundi will not have relations with a hypocritical state that takes refugees hostage and lodges criminals who have mourned Burundi instead of extraditing them to stand trial.” What a lack of discipline, courtesy or diplomacy. Why is Evariste Ndayishimiye more concerned about the Burundian refugees who are in Rwanda more than those who are elsewhere? Because he knows he has good control over those in Tanzania and Congo because he sends imbonerakure there to disrupt them and force them to return. In Rwanda, he knows that it is a well-organized state that would not allow such acts to take place on its territory, but also that respects the rights of refugees. And it’s not out of love that he insists they come home. First, it is so that the whole world will trust him claiming that peace has returned to the country and giving him aid. Two is to bring them together in the country (most of them escaped death, hunted down by the imbonerakure or the cnddfdd intelligence service) and exterminate them one by one or en masse when the time comes.
Why Evariste Ndayishimiye is so bent on Rwanda saying that he is holding refugees hostage, that he hides criminals who must be sent to Burundi to be tried and does not speak of the Rwandan genocidaires Interahamwe who are among his defense and security corps and others who have erected solid positions in the Kibira and who receive logistical support from his army, why he does not dare to speak of the Burundian Hutu extremists who helped the interahamwe to commit the genocide of the Tutsis Rwandans in 1994 who are in Burundi and who are not worried. And when President Kagame opens a door for dialogue to find solutions to the problems that undermine relations between the two countries and allow citizens to continue exchanges and live in peace, it is President Ndayishimiye who steps up to refuse and insult a neighboring and brother country. What is he looking for? It is Herod’s heart that hardens more and more. The punishment is near.
URN HITAMWONEZA always calls on the Burundian people not to listen to these inflammatory speeches of this military clique in power and rather to keep in mind that the Burundians have always lived together, Hutu as Tutsis and that they will always live together, that some extremists like it or not. Burundians have always had good relations with their neighbour in Rwanda and elsewhere, with whom they have even established family relations for a long time. Those who sow hatred have no other goals than to mobilize the Hutus behind them to keep their power. The Hutu will not find what is necessary for his life if there is no cooperation with his neighbour and with the rest of the world. But what little there is will be used by those extremist Hutu leaders who refuse to open up avenues of cooperation. Whether they are wrong, sooner or later the truth will triumph, the good will overcomes the evil.

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